um what's with the ~blog~

tl;dr - i'm an average person with an average life, trying to become an intentional content consumer and hoping to make meaningful connections with new people.


hi there. i'm aneri - 24, born upper middle class, liberal arts grad, child of immigrants. privilege level = unparalleled, i've slowly come to understand. so why the blog?

over the last few years, i've found it unsettling that, considering the level of care and attention i was given as a child, the phenomenal education i received which challenged me intellectually beyond measure, i now spend 12-14 hours a day slumped behind my laptop screen (to be fair i do try to stand at my standing desk at least once a month). granted, i spend a considerable amount of that time providing value for a company that i truly believe is doing good things for the world. but, a lot of that time is also spent mindlessly browsing twitter and youtube, and sometimes engaging in a cheeky bit of online shopping.

i realize that my situation isn't unique, and it's also not unforgivable. it's a natural consequence of the way our economy has developed. i'm just another cog in the wheel. but, like many wide-eyed high school seniors, i used to think i'd be living a meaningful life after college. like, day after day, minute after minute, i'd be doing something meaningful. i still want to live a meaningful life, but i don't think i've actualized that, maybe because i never properly defined it.

so there's that. but also, over the past decade, i've marveled at the explosion of meaningful content on the internet. as a child, i believed that knowledge and meaning was exclusively contained in the hallowed lecture halls of old universities, but that's not the case anymore. on top of that, regular people--not just professors and business leaders -- have gotten in on the action, joining YouTube, Twitter, and the like, and recasting their everyday experiences and insights as powerful and invaluable bits of knowledge that have the power to transform others' lives. as a result, they've forged valuable connections with people all over the world.

so, this blog is my attempt to get in on that action. i'm a voracious online content consumer, but i've been itching for a space to stitch together the things i learn into something larger that's meaningful to me. also, human connection is sacred to me. although i'm nervous about putting myself out there, i feel that in this day and age, human connection is one of the most precious rewards one can reap from sharing oneself with the global online community. so, here we go!